Saturday, February 17, 2018

Substituting Fruit for Sweets--A Challenge

Missy Tippens

Our insurance company has a wellness program. They offer incentives for exercising and eating well. We can earn points and actually get cash or other prizes.

So I just signed up to take part in one of the challenges. Whenever I want something sweet to eat, I'm supposed to eat fruit. If I do it 5 of 7 days this week, then I'll be a winner.

So far, so good! I've grabbed apples with peanut butter instead of eating scones. I've added frozen strawberries to oatmeal for breakfast and for a snack. And another morning, instead of eating regular jelly, I made cooked strawberries and spread them on my toast!

I thought the idea was pretty clever.

I took about a cup of frozen berries and heated them in a skillet until they were softened and cooked through. Then I mushed them a bit.

Then I spread it on my toast.

Next time, I'll probably add a sprinkle of Truvia to sweeten it some so it'll taste more like jam. But it was a good substitute! And it helped me be successful in my challenge. :)

Have you ever made your own jam or jelly without added sugar?


  1. Hi, Missy!

    What a fun incentive program! I should set one up for myself...except I'd probably want to reward myself with sweets... ;-)

    I've made jam with only the fruit - no sugar. I like to add Truvia (or other stevia sweeteners) to other things, but I've never thought of making jam with it. I'll have to try it!

  2. Missy, my daughter did that with her strawberries last week. I commented then that it seemed like jelly. She had hers on top of almond butter. Yum.
